Share house

Top 5 Share houses in Fukuoka

Fukuoka is the third-largest city in Japan and a wide range of shopping options and a better Wi-Fi environment make this city even more attractive.
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Top 5 Share Houses In Saitama

Saitama prefecture, a commuter town in Tokyo. There are many areas where you can reach the city center by train, and the rent is cheap, so it is popular.
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Top 5 Foreign-Friendly Share Houses in Kobe

Kobe is a city with a good balance between nature and the city, and is famous for its beautiful cityscape. How about choosing a share house as the first step in your life in this city?
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Top 5 Share Houses in Kawasaki

Kawasaki is located in the central part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, adjacent to the capital, Tokyo, and is in a highly convenient location environment.

5 Foreign-Friendly Share Houses in Sendai

Sendai is the largest city in Tohoku region. Sendai itself is prosperous, but the Shinkansen has stopped and access to Kanto is good, making it a very comfortable city to live in

5 foreign-friendly Share Houses In Okinawa

Okinawa is a tropical resort in Japan with a beautiful sea and clear sky. The island's unique culture has developed and...
Share house

For Travelers! Top 10 Pocket WiFi in Japan

Even If you want to find the best pocket WiFi, there aren't many websites that offer a comprehensive comparison of serv...

Global Advanced Communications (GAC) Wi-Fi

In Japan, it is difficult to find locations that provide free WiFi,and even if you did, it is not fast enough for internet access most of the time.

Things you should know about SAKURA Wi-Fi

Sakura wifi is a service mainly for Japanese people, and it has the highest level of communication speed and price. However, when applying, documents such as a residence card are required

pupuru Wi-Fi is Good? The Plans and Details!

As a pioneer in renting information and communication equipment, pupuru rents out various equipment from corporations to individuals
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