

Things you should know about SAKURA Wi-Fi

Sakura wifi is a service mainly for Japanese people, and it has the highest level of communication speed and price. However, when applying, documents such as a residence card are required

The average salary/income in Tokyo in 2021!

Since Tokyo is the capital of Japan where large companies are lined up, unsurprisingly, it has the highest annual income in each prefecture.

What Is The Average Salary/Income in Japan?

The average annual income in Tokyo is overwhelmingly higher than in other regions, and by industry, manufacturers and finance are high.

How Much Is Inheritance Tax in Japan?

Inheritance means that when a person dies, his or her spouse or children take over the property of that person (includi...

Corporation Tax in Japan | System and Tax Rate

Corporation tax is levied on incomes for each business year, which is mainly earned by corporations such as joint-stock companies and cooperatives.

What’s Import Tax (Tariff) In Japan? 2021

Even for personal use, keep in mind that there are customs duties. This article details tariffs on personal imports.

What’s Car (Vehicle) Tax like in Japan? 2021

If you live in a metropolitan area such as Tokyo or Osaka, you might not need a car because the trains are very conveni...

Income tax in Japan | System and How to File it!

Japan's income tax is said to be the second-highest in the world (at the highest tax rate) after Sweden, and it is one ...

Can we get the money back? | Japanese Pension

Pensions are obligatory for all people living in Japan. It may not be a very happy system for foreigners, but you can get the money you paid back

What are Taxable Income and Deductions in Japan?

If you earn money in Japan, taxable income is inevitable. Taxable income refers to the portion of an individual’s annual income that tax can be imposed on.
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